Charlie Radclyffe19 Mar 20246 min read

Recent AFCS Court of Appeal 'Pearson' decision: capacity to work and whether regular

Introduction A recent Armed Forces Compensation Scheme decision went to the Court of Appeal. And the veteran won their case. Jasmine Skander of Kings Chambers wrote a great summary, which we highly recommend. Case title: Pearson v The Secretary of State for Defence [2024] EWCA Civ 150 Decision: http...
Charlie Radclyffe21 Feb 202413 min read

Why is the Veteran Law Project needed?

Every year, hundreds of people are injured in the British military. That’s always going to be one of the risks of training a body of people to potentially fight against others. And those joining the military know those risks. It’s part of the job. But military folk also expect to be supported when t...
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